A loan to empower you with the Super Power of education

Loan upto
₹ Rs. 60,00,000

Starts from 8.50% - 10.00% p.a.

Easy Documentation

Upto 30 months of Moratorium period

Education loan can be availed upto Rs. 60,00,000 for pursuing higher studies in India and upto Rs.20,00,000 for pursuing higher studies in abroad. ROI for education loan Starts at 8.50% - 10.00% p.a. and it has a relaxed repayment period of maximum upto 54 months.

Education Loan can be availed at all TBSB branches.

  • To meet expenses for pursuing higher studies from Recognized Institute/ University in India/ abroad.
  • Loan Amount : Education loan can be availed upto Rs. 60,00,000 for pursuing higher studies in India and upto Rs.20,00,000 for pursuing higher studies abroad.
  • ROI : ROI for education loan Starts at 8.50% - 10.00% p.a. (Maximum upto Rs. 60.00 lacs(Concession in ROI for girl student @0.25%)).
  • Tenure : Education loan has a relaxed repayment period of Maximum upto 54 months (excluding Moratorium period). Moratorium period for education loan is, Course tenure of education + 6 months if required subject to maximum period of 30 months.
  • Availability :Available at all TBSB branches. If you wish to apply for education loan and start the process online, you can also fill up this form and we will conncet with you for further details.
  • Documents : Easy Documentation
  • Collateral Security Needed :
    • 125% of loan amount if security is in the form of immovable property.
    • 100% of loan amount in case of liquid security by way of FD, NSC, KVP, assignment of LI policy ( Surrender Value)
    • May be waived off for loan upto Rs. 2.00 lacs.
    • Desirable to have term insurance policy of student applicant for loan exceeding Rs. 5.00 lacs.
  • Share Holding : New share holding equal to 2.5% of loan amount if loan is secured or 5% if loan is unsecured. Guarantors to become ordinary member of bank.
  • Guarantor : Minimum two guarantors acceptable to bank.
  • Processing Fee : 1% of the loan amount + Applicable taxes


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